Hoho.. howdy there, readerssss?
it's quite a long time since my last post ehh..
sorry for abandoning this blog for some timess.. haha..
a lil bit busy here... and many things happened..
the sad one :(, the happy one :), the funny one :D
okayyy.. whereee to starttt... hhuuufff...
*rewind my memories* chiung chiung chiungg..
hummm humm humm..
17th of July
i had a gathering with my fellas at Swisbell... why? coz one of my besties will go outta country to studyy....
who is shee? *sound of the drum*
Carissa Clarence and me |
i've known her since the first year of junior high school... we knew each other bcoz of that Mading activity and we are "temen se-RT".. since my house is very close to hers.. and then, i joined UKDC and we became closer and she sat behind me for 2 years on junior high... i've learnt a lot of things from her.. she told me to keep dreaming and believing in my dreams.. *touched* :')
anddd... according to me, she is the most creative person i've ever known.. seems like there're tons of ideas inside her brain.. haha.. XD
she is an honest and 'to the point' type of person..
Casual but still fashionable.. *love the way u dress* :)
sometimes (or maybe always) moody.. haha..
oh goshh.. how i miss chit-chatting with u.. *sob*
and i also miss going to your house.. since it almost be my second house.. haha..
yeaahh... i won't forget the night of 18th July 2011.. a warm dinner with your family and our fellas.. MEMORABLE!! :)
Okay, after 18th of July for sure i'll face 20th of July... *sigh*
that's the day that Carissa left and my cousin left... they go to the same college in Singapore...
and they are my besties who usually accompany me to go sightseeing or whatever... *sigh again*
now they have gone, feels like my social life is dragged to the bottom of the hell.. :(
and by the way, this is the pic of me and my cousin..
Jesslyn Felicia Tanita and me |
Do we look alike?? XD
i share my stories and my problems with her... and since she is not here anymore.. this blog will be the replacement to share my probs.. but it's still not nice... coz nobody will give you suggestion and advice like what she did.. *sigh*
as what i've said just now... she is my shopping besties.. eating besties.. movie bestiess... and also my fashion advisor.. haha..
Jesus Christttt..!!! who can accompany me like you used to do? *sob*
feels different heree youu knoww...
Okayyy.... finished with 20th July 2011... noww.. another farewell i have to face is the farewell of my beloved one....
25th July 2011
i had a wonderful dinner.. *i won't call it last dinner*
i hate that 'last' word..
a night that i'll treasure inside my heartttt... <3
can't tell u the details here.. just let me, u and God know it.. ;)
:) | | |
26th July 2011
the day of your departureeee... i didn't cryy... eventhough it's very hard to be stronggg..
yes, i also feel weird, why didn't I cry??
but still... crying won't change anything, will it, deaaarr?
but one thing i know for sure isss.... YESS!!! every second that i spent was for missing uuu....
and while i'm typing this post, my mind is thinking about youuu.. and maybe when u read this post, u'll miss me.. hah!! :p
I love you, dear.. <3
okayyyy.... after this sad and killing farewell.. i had a little journey with HJ's team.. XD
at first, we were planning to eat eel, but the plan was messed up because the eel has gone to heaven aka no more... soo... we directly change destination... from eel to...............PORK!! HAHAHA!! still remember thisss #belutbantingbabi.. nyahaha..
and then we went to Cemara to have some photoshoot, we should have some memories, right? ;)
Vero, Jojo n me :)
oh yeah, and why we were having this trip? another one of my besties will go to spore to study...
and yes.. she is Veronica Salim... Maybe you can say that she is the first friend of mine when i first entered junior high school.. Not exactly the first, but she is the one that close to me that time.. :)
okayy.. my first impression about her when i first met her... she is kind and charming..
she is not stingyy.. love shopping so much... fashionableeee... love his brother so muchh.. XD
easy going... moody.. careless.. *she always lose her things* haha..
it's nice to be a friend of her..
yeah, although we had some issues last time because of a stupid guy *you-know-who,right?* XD
but i believe it's only some misunderstandings..
nahhh... i don't wanna talk about that anymore.. haha.. since it's a long long long time ago...
but... i want you to know that i have no regrets to be your friend.. on the contrary, i feel grateful to have u as a part of my story in my life.. :)
well.. "Friends"... some of them come and go...
but, what can i say? Life goes on, people.. all i need to do is to be strong and continuing my life.. :)
and for those who have left.. i just want u all to know that i miss u guysss.... *hugandkisses*
Jowi ;)