Wednesday, May 4, 2011


okeehh.. gw lagi malas ngepost pake bahasa inggris..(susah nyari vocabnya)
sooo... malem ini (atau bisa dibilang pagi ini) gw ngepostnya pake bahasa tanah air aja duueehh..

oke okehh... ga tau napa kok alay kali ya gaya nulis gw malam ne.. (masa bodoh amat)
intinyaaa... malem ne gw ngerasanya pecah tu.. istilah pecah lagi ngetrend zaman sekarang kali ya..
jujur aja nihh.. di masa2 akhir sekolah gw di senior high school, i felt NOTHING.. serius.. sumpah.. Nothing..
bukan ada maksud mau ngebandingin dan bukan bermaksud untuk menambah perpecahan.. tp di blog gw kan gw berhak nulis apa aj yg gw ngerasain yaaa...
esempe sama esema tu beda banget..
ooiyaaa.. kemaren tu gw baru ketemuan tu sama temen esempe gw, duuhh.. da lama g chit chat n ngakak barengg.. g tau ja sih.. pokoknya ad yg beda antara mereka.. i can't find any similarity between them.. is it only me feeling this way or others are feeling the same too?? hmmm...

ohh yeeahh and i miss my sgp's friends too.. unyyuuuu...

i know ga ada manusia yg diciptain sempurnaa sama Tuhann and gw juga berusaha ngetiin ketidaksempurnaan mereka... but i think my expectation is tooooooo high for them.. and sorryy, but i don't feel any unity.. (no offense, it's just how the way i feel )

and sorry buat yg ngebaca post ini dan merasa bingung soalnya post kali ni ga kronologis banget rasanya.. (lompat2 gitu) haha..
welll.. it's just the honest feeling from here........(inside my heart)

ohh weeellll.. don't wanna think too much right noww.. just enjoy my life happily.. as long as i have God, him, them and my family.. that's enough.. :)
sorry, readers, postingan kali ne jeleeqqqss.. haha.. laen kali ga lagi kok..*wink*
sorry juga kalo banyak banget kata ganti orang ketiga di postingan kali ni n buat yg baca pusing tujuh keliling.. XD


Jowi ;)


  1. gpp lee... yg pntg update terus.. muahahaaa... (y). aku juga rasain gitu.. T.T senasib laa

  2. senasib ya, nat? haha..
    sep2.. bakal tetep updatee... hihihi.. =D
