Thursday, December 13, 2012


hello, bloggie.. it's been a while.. sorry for abandoning you like this.. haha..
been busy with my life..
well.. let's see.. where to start? what did i miss?
nothing big happened actually.. it's just me still struggling with the same problem that seems like no ending to it..
I still couldn't find the answer for myself..
I have been hearing lots of advices, but I don't even know how to start..
Yes, I know I'm stupid.. to hold on like this.. I know I've been taken for granted.. but... what can I do?

Anyway, I don't think my problem is hard enough compares to my friend that had just lost her boyfriend..
yeap.. Lost doesn't mean that they broke up.. noo.. he passed away.. :'(
Feel sorry for her..
How does it feel like to lose someone that you love so much in an unexpected way?
Life is really a joke, huh?

well.. not really in the mood today.. I'll find some time and post again later.. :)



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